Food Additive Of The Week – Sulphites and Sour Grapes…

In a recent blog, I mentioned how certain foods and ingredients, both natural and as additives, can trigger respiratory and skin problems.  A particular subgroup of additives – sulphites – have well known connections to symptoms such as asthma, skin ailments, headaches and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), yet despite over 25 years of growing evidence on it’s unwanted […]

Amines and other food triggers for skin and respiratory problems

Do you suffer from asthma, breathing difficulties, sensitive skin, eczema or allergic-type reactions such as hives?  There can be many triggers for respiratory and skin sensitivities and whilst often overlooked, food can be one of them.  Treatment for problems such as asthma, eczema and hives includes minimising the triggers, which should therefore also mean eliminating some […]