It’s Friday. Woohoo! Our kids love Friday night, because in our house, it’s called “Friday night – Icecream night” 🙂 It’s one of our little family traditions. It’s when we kick back and watch a movie, whilst enjoying a bowl of homemade ice-cream. And if there’s not something freshly baked to go with said icecream (yes, we have something with our icecream, not icecream with our something…!), then it’s topped with all the favourite goodies.
What goodies you might ask?
Well, the staples are usually either
- Organic Times Little Gems
- Junee Licorice and Chocolate Factory organic chocolate coated raspberry licorice or rocky road
- Surf Sweets gummy bears or
- Hoppers 100s and 1000s sprinkles .
Sometimes, we even go all out and have St Dalfour’s organic chocolate, caramel or strawberry sauce on top!
And if we’re not in the mood for ice-cream, there’s always the trusty fall-back plan ofcaramel popcorn to munch on whilst watching a movie. We discovered the caramel sauce for this recipe when making the muesli slice inspired by Healthy Angels – the liquid mixture tastes just like caramel popcorn topping, so we adapted it and voila! Click here for the recipe.
The best bit is, it’s all organic and additive free, so no repercussions to deal with over the weekend. The joys of additive free foods are definitely appreciated by parents in that respect! Oh and after a late night watching a movie, we can sleep in the next morning and don’t have to worry about being tired for school the next day! Ahhhh, the weekend!
Family routines and special family times are so important, especially when leading rather hectic lives. Nobody mentioned (in that illusive parent manual we seemed to miss out on) that as the kids get a bit older, the activities increase and time seems to magically disappear! So when it comes to a moment of peace and together time, we all relish it. Its like touching home base, or having a safe zone to rely on amidst the chaos. And whilst it doesn’t necessarily revolve around food, it does play a part in some way – we value that which gives us energy! Perhaps its also part of my European heritage that comes out here – eating is a very social thing and family times historically revolve around food.
This week’s Friday night ice-cream night is to be extra special for us because along with yummy homemade ice-cream (which by the way is made with Daintree Mountain View Organic Vanilla Beans), we’ll have grandparents visiting too. Smiles all round!
How do you spend your Friday family nights? Do you do a movie on Friday night too? What’s your favourite family routine? (or your kids favourite!). Hop on to Facebook here, or comment below to share your favourite family times.
Have a great Friday night!
Loren x
PS: Yes, it sounds like a bit of sugar is involved here, but it’s all a bit of a treat, as we don’t usually have lollies or chocolate during the week and save desserts and ice-cream for weekends to keep the balance and focus on healthy nutritious foods. Plus, providing it’s kept to a minimum so as not to mess with insulin levels and body messages, it’s not usually the sugar that’s a problem but the additives in such foods that causes the behaviour issues commonly associated with sugary foods.