Road Tripping With (Real) Fast Food!

Never thought I’d say this, but I am actually a little bit excited about a fast food chain…  We have just done a whirlwind round trip to Byron Bay from our home in the middle of nowhere. I’m talking about a return trip of over 2500kms in 3 days.  Yep, we’re a little bit crazy, […]

Healthy Homemade Marshmallows

  Every year I say I’m going to make my own marshmallows and every year I find an excuse not to… Well this year I finally bit the bullet and gave it a bash, and I’m left wondering why it took me so long!  I always thought making marshmallows would be difficult.  Turns out it’s […]

Gluten Free Hot Cross Buns

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Sometimes Easter is hard. The chocolates, the hot cross buns… it can all get a bit much. Unfortunately, the additives – usually colouring and preservatives – in Easter chocolates and hot cross buns can cause all sorts of unwanted behavioural and physical issues, especially for kids, who are particularly susceptible […]

Easter Chocolate Choices For Food Sensitivities & Where To Buy Them

Quite unbelievably, Easter is just around the corner and it can be a dreaded time for those with food sensitivities.  Easter chocolates are often loaded with additives, colouring, flavouring and preservatives, which of course, leads to behaviour problems and health issues for some.  The good news is, there are actually a few good brands that create […]

Mangoes Mangoes Mangoes!

What’s one of my all time favourite things about summer? (I know, the title gives it away) Yes, it’s mangoes! Growing up in Far North Queensland, it would just be downright weird if I didn’t really. So in light of my obvious delight, I hereby dedicate an entire blog to these orangey-yellow fleshy gems of […]

Edible Gluten Free Christmas Table Decorations: Part 2 Gingerbread House

After last week’s success with my very first edible Christmas table decoration – a gluten free shortbread star Christmas tree – I was all pumped up to have a bash at the next feat… A gloriously rustic and very Christmasy looking gingerbread house! Gluten free and additive free, of course. Well, dear readers, it turns […]