Super Easy Summer Salad Recipes

I’m just not ready for summer to end yet. There’s something wonderfully cleansing and energising about summer. Not only does it sort out your skin with all that lovely fresh air, sunshine, humidity (or nature’s all over steam facial), salty surf and sand (again natures all over exfoliation or skin scrub)… But it also helps […]


You may have noticed a bit of a decrease in blog posts here at The Food Werewolf this year.  Lots of awesome changes in our family routine and new beginnings have meant things have been a little hectic in our household.  So I’ve been looking at the lessons in patience and peace this time has been […]

Taming Toddler Tantrums

Toddlers are just beginning to learn how to communicate, express themselves and understand their world, which means it can be hard for parents to decipher a toddler’s life, let alone find the cause of their problems. Whilst we all know a household with a toddler is a stormy ride, the key to finding some calm […]

Mangoes Mangoes Mangoes!

What’s one of my all time favourite things about summer? (I know, the title gives it away) Yes, it’s mangoes! Growing up in Far North Queensland, it would just be downright weird if I didn’t really. So in light of my obvious delight, I hereby dedicate an entire blog to these orangey-yellow fleshy gems of […]

Edible Gluten Free Christmas Table Decorations: Part 2 Gingerbread House

After last week’s success with my very first edible Christmas table decoration – a gluten free shortbread star Christmas tree – I was all pumped up to have a bash at the next feat… A gloriously rustic and very Christmasy looking gingerbread house! Gluten free and additive free, of course. Well, dear readers, it turns […]